проект о промышленном наследии, которому не нашлось места в современном мире
Город без времени
проект о жизни небольшого города на территории постсоветского пространства, рассказанный через призму личной памяти
Почтовый ящик № 2264
Доставка на Бесов нос
визуальные заметки о деревне в Карелии, жители которой живут за счет того, что доставляют туристов в труднодоступный заповедник "Бесов нос" на Онежском озере
Трудности перехода
основанное на работе с личным архивом размышление о переходных этапах в жизни человека и многомерной структуре бытия.
"Будь похитрее"
проект о взросление, проживание утраты, и поиске своей идентичности через работу с семейными архивами
post box 2264
a story about industrial heritage that no longer has a place in the modern world
a town beyond time
a collective image of an average city on the territory of the post-Soviet space through the prism of personal memory
delivery to the devil's nose
a story of a small village in Karelia, whose inhabitants live by bringing tourists to the territory of the nature reserve "Besov Nos" on Lake Onega
lost in snow
reflections on the constants and variables in life based on arhive images from phone for 2019-2022
growing up, experiencing loss, family history through working with family archives and observing the environment in which I grew up
post box 2264
a story about industrial heritage that no longer has a place in the modern world
a town beyond time
a collective image of an average city on the territory of the post-Soviet space through the prism of personal memory
delivery to the devil's nose
a story of a small village in Karelia, whose inhabitants live by bringing tourists to the territory of the nature reserve "Besov Nos" on Lake Onega
lost in snow
reflections on the constants and variables in life based on arhive images from phone for 2019-2022
growing up, experiencing loss, family history through working with family archives and observing the environment in which I grew up
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